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What is the research methodology?


The research Methodology section, while not the easiest to formulate, is probably the easiest to write. The methodology must be described in total, complete, absolute detail so that another researcher could replicate the study exactly based on the information contained in this chapter. 

This chapter should begin with a description of the General Nature and Design of the Study. The type of research should be identified, e.g., experimental, quasi-experimental, exploratory, qualitative, developmental, survey, etc. If the type of research calls for the use of independent and dependent variables, they should be identified

The Selection of Participants should describe exactly how subjects were obtained and assigned to groups (if the design calls for groups). The Procedures are reported. Copies of any written materials or any verbal instructions gave the subjects should be included in the Appendixes. If the Research Setting is significant, it is also reported. 

The Description of the Instruments is crucial. The general format, the purpose, and the relevant history of the development of each instrument must be described. A complete review of the technical data is required so that the reader can form an opinion about their quality and appropriateness. Typically there are a number of validity and reliability studies performed by the authors and by other users of the test. The type of validity (concurrent, predictive etc.) and validity coefficients are reported including the citation of the study. The same holds true for reliability (types, coefficients, and sources). If any modifications are made” these must be explained and justified. Copies of instruments are generally included in the Appendixes as well. 

The Research Hypotheses or Questions are also stated here. This is what the study tests or answers. If hypotheses are being tested, the null form need not be used. If a logical argument has been made that the findings will turn out a certain way, then that is what’ should be stated in the hypotheses section.

The method of Data Analysis is also explained. It is helpful to consider the imaginary reader and what the imaginary reader would ask about the data analysis. If the image reader is expected to have a graduate education, then the reader can be expected to have an understanding of statistical procedures. 

Naming the statistical technique used will suffice. If qualitative methods of data analysis are used, more explanation is required. Qualitative methods are relatively new, are still evolving, and are not taught by many schools so the reader cannot be expected to have the same degree of familiarity with them as with the quantitative methods. It is a good idea to explain the different premises underlying these methods so they are not discounted by those steeped in the traditional realm of the scientific method. 

The previous discussion has been geared to quantitative studies, where the expectations are more defined and consistent. There is a greater flexibility of presentation for qualitative studies. 

The purpose of the Third Chapter of the project is to present the methods and procedures of the study. As a rule of thumb, the methods and procedures should be described in sufficient detail to enable the reader to replicate the research process. Generally, the Third Chapter of the project is contained, with slight revisions, in the project proposal. You will probably find it easier to pull chapter three together after the remaining chapters of the project or thesis are completed. You will find that this chapter of the project is one of the easier chapters to prepare. 

Generally, five sections of the chapter are sufficient to describe in detail all of the methods and procedures that you have utilized. Most of the sections are straightforward and relatively easy to write. Only one section of the chapter may cause difficulty, namely, the procedures section. The procedures section may require the description of materials and apparatus that require elaborate diagrams. 


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